Like many men around the world, you may have taken an interest in dating Chinese women. This doesn’t come as a surprise as they come off as quite attractive to Westerners. Why not? For a man looking for a potential wife, these ladies possess many desirable and marriageable traits.
When asked what they like about Chinese women, the answers these men give range from cute, quirky, and slim to loyal, beautiful, and feminine. They are also among the most traditional women who come from a country with a rich history and culture.
One incentive foreign men have for dating women in China is that it is relatively easy to find a Chinese girlfriend. Western men in particular are considered very attractive in China. Those who have spent time in the country have attested that they have received more attention from women there than they ever had in their own home country.
Marriage in China, however, is plummeting due to the unwillingness of Chinese men to marry women who are more successful than them. For many working and entrepreneurial class Chinese women, foreign men have been their only other option.
So given what we know, the focus must now be turned to you. Just because you are a foreigner in China doesn’t mean you are immune to the scrutiny of its women. Here are some points to see whether you can meet the ideal standards of a Chinese woman:
Because of their heavy-handed tradition, women in China have practically been raised for marriage. Of course, you will find many modern-thinking women, but for the vast majority, particularly those from rural upbringings, this remains so.
If you find yourself willing to settle down, then you yourself hold an advantage. Much of Chinese social life revolves around seeking potential partners, hence you may experience dates that are less about having fun and more about feeling things out for long-term potential.
In a traditional Chinese marriage, women are encouraged to get married at a younger age, ideally in their early to mid twenties. If you are dating someone in her late twenties or older, you can be positive that she has marriage on her mind. If it’s on yours too, she may not let you go.
Dating in China for foreigners is a pleasant experience because as mentioned, foreign men hold a distinct advantage against Chinese men. For instance, if a Chinese man wants a Chinese girl to like him, he needs to show that he can at least afford an apartment, house, or car. However, Chinese women don’t hold foreign men to the same standard. As long as you have a job and are financially stable, you’re good to go.
Traditional Chinese culture appoints the man as the provider of the family. Even in modern Chinese culture, this practice can still be seen and observed among many married couples. Stability and security is the name of the game in China. Even if the woman you intend to marry is successful in her own right, your own stability will always be looked upon.
If on a date a Chinese woman asks you about your job, business, or portfolio, don’t take it the wrong way. It only means that she is interested in you and is considering you as a potential partner.
A great way to endear yourself to your Chinese date is to be her human stress reliever. Understand that women in China are under a lot of societal pressure. Not only are they expected to get married, but they are also pressured to excel from the moment they enter school all the way into the professional world.
With the enormous day-to-day pressure they face, it is no wonder that encouraging words are a way to a Chinese woman’s heart. Remember stability and security? Emotional security is just as important.
Aside from being an emotional pillar in the relationship, being humorous is also a big plus. If you can make her laugh and have a good time, you may score more and more points with her in the long run. Few things can replace a great personality, but if you truly care for her and show effort, you can definitely win her heart.
Manners, posture, and grooming -- the way you present yourself is what a lot of women look for. From your personal hygiene and the way you eat to the way you dress, the way you carry yourself is directly proportional to the level of attraction you can gain from a Chinese woman.
Like it or not, the way you eat at a restaurant can and will be scrutinized by prying eyes, so be on the lookout. While you don’t need to look like you came straight out of an Armani billboard, pay due diligence on your daily getup.
Remember, whatever natural physical attributes you lack can always be made up for with good presentation. Whatever you lack in height or facial beauty shouldn’t prevent you from eating well, standing straight, dressing right, and overall having class.
One might conclude that Chinese girls want someone who is tall, rich, and handsome. Suddenly, the minimum standard has become perfection. Fret not, no one is perfect and everyone has a chance.
Chinese women are particularly good at sniffing out dishonest suitors, so keep your inner con artist at bay.
Women in general appreciate honest and sincere men, so take it as a quality that will serve you far beyond marriage.
While English is more widely spoken today than it ever has been, it helps to learn a bit of Mandarin or a Chinese dialect of choice. The effort to connect personally and culturally is always appreciated by Chinese ladies. Aside from having your date teach you the language, there are countless online resources and apps available to assist you in your language learning.
It would seem that Chinese girls have high standards for their potential partners. A better way to put it is that the aforementioned qualities are the standards you should have to make yourself ideal. If you focus on being your best self, you will not fail to attract any woman. Take good account of the positive things about you and work on the things that need improvement and you should be every bit the perfect man for Chinese women.